Technical Studies

Associate of Applied Science

The Associate of Applied Science degree in Technical Studies is designed to meet dual purposes. First, it will offer students the opportunity to earn a Bachelor of Applied Science degree at CWC, or pursue a Bachelor of Applied Science offered at four-year institutions. Second, the degree will allow students to combine two disciplines in order to be more competitive in the job market and meet the requirements of employers.

The general education requirements are designed to encourage students to develop civic awareness and engagement, communication, critical thinking, personal and professional responsibility, and quantitative literacy.

This program combines certificates or emphasis in specific disciplines to meet employer needs for unique skill combinations for which there is no established degree program. Employers reviewing transcripts will be able to quickly determine the combined areas of expertise as the degrees will be recorded as in the following examples:

Technical Studies: Agriculture-Welding

Technical Studies: Criminal Justice-Equine

Technical Studies: Entrepreneurship-Graphic Art

Technical Studies: Computer Technology-Medical Office

Students awarded a stand-alone certificate from Central Wyoming College may transition to the Technical Studies AAS degree by selecting additional technical skill courses, in consultation with a faculty advisor and upon approval of the Academic Dean.

A total of sixty (60) credits are required in the Technical Studies AAS degree. Sixteen (16) credits are required in the general education component, thirty-eight (38) credits are required in the technical studies component, which includes PFDV 1500 Managing Career Development, a minimum of twenty (20) credits is focused in one technical discipline, and the remaining fifteen (15) credits are selected from supporting technical courses. Students may complete up to six (6) credits in general electives. The advisor and the academic dean must approve courses that count towards degree attainment. Changes in the program require prior advisor and Dean approval.

Students are required to meet with an assigned success coach or faculty advisor who will assist the student in developing a written plan of study. Current and/or potential employers may be involved in developing the plan of study. The written plan of study is signed by the student and the success coach or faculty advisor, and then submitted to the appropriate Academic Dean for final approval. The Dean will submit the written plan of study to the Registrar to formalize the degree requirements within the degree audit system. Changes in the program require prior advisor and Dean approval.

* The following courses may NOT be used to satisfy the Technical Studies Component: PEAC and PEAT prefixes unless they are identified as discipline-specific courses.

Program Requirements

Students must take a total of 60 credits to complete a degree in Technical Studies.
Course Number Course Credits
PFDV 1500Managing Career Development3
Discipline Specific Technical Courses * 
Other Technical Courses * 
* The following courses may NOT be used to satisfy the Technical Studies Component: PEAC and PEAT prefixes unless they are identified as discipline-specific courses.

Total Credit Hours: 60


Technical Studies - Certificate I

The Certificate I in Technical Studies is designed to offer students the opportunity to meet their unique interests, needs, goals, and employer interests.

The general education requirements are designed for students to develop their language arts/communication and computational (mathematical) skills.

The certificate program allows the student to identify an emphasis in specific disciplines for meeting employer needs for unique skill combinations for which there is no established degree program.

A total of thirty-one (31) credits are required in the Technical Studies Certificate degree. Seven (7) credits are required in the general education component, twenty-four (24) credits are required in the technical studies component of which a three (3) credit, WR2 or ORAL, is required, and a minimum of twelve (12) credits is focused in one technical discipline, and the remaining nine (9) credits are selected from supporting technical courses.

This certificate combines courses in specific disciplines or emphasis to meet employer needs for unique skill combinations for which there is no established certificate program. Employers reviewing transcripts will be able to quickly determine the combined areas of expertise as the certificates will be recorded as in the following examples:

Technical Studies: Agriculture-Welding

Technical Studies: Criminal Justice-Equine

Technical Studies: Entrepreneurship-Graphic Art

Technical Studies: Computer Technology-Medical Office

Students are required to meet with an assigned success coach or faculty academic advisor who will assist the student in developing a written plan of study. Current and/or potential employers may be involved in developing the plan of study. The written plan of study is signed by the student and the success coach or faculty advisor, and then submitted to the appropriate Academic Dean for final approval. The Dean will submit the written plan of study to the Registrar in order to finalize the degree requirements within the degree audit system.

* The following courses may NOT be used to satisfy the Technical Studies Component: PEAC and PEAT prefixes unless they are identified as discipline-specific courses.

Program Requirements

Course Number Course Credits
WR2 or ORAL 
Discipline Specific Technical Courses * 
Other Technical Courses * 

General Education Requirements

Writing Level I (WR1) 3 credits
MATH/APPM/LSCI 3 credits
UNST 1 credits

Total Credit Hours: 31

Technical Studies: Entrepreneurship

Associate of Applied Science

The Technical Studies: Entrepreneurship and (name specific discipline) combines specific entrepreneurial and business courses with a student’s unique interest program major to assist in launching a business in that area.

Program Requirements

Course Number Course Credits
BADM 1005Business Math I3
BADM 1020Business Communications3
ENGL 2002Technical Writing3
BADM 2105Small Business Management3
ENTR 1501Survey of Entrepreneurship1-3
ENTR 1505Entr I: Entrepreneurial Mindset3
ENTR 1525ENTR II: Opportunity Analysis3
BADM 2010Legal Environment of Business3
MGT 3110Business Ethics3
MKT 1000Sales3
MKT 3210Principles of Marketing3
Other Technical Courses * 

Total Credit Hours: 61

Technical Studies: Theatre and Film

Associate of Applied Science

The Associates of Applied Arts (AAS) in Technical Studies: Theatre and Film is a terminal degree designed for students who know they are passionate about theatre and filmmaking. Most theatre programs don’t teach you about film acting or filmmaking. Most film programs don’t teach you about acting or directing actors. This program changes all that. You will experience the best of both worlds and learn how they interact and influence each other. The theatre side of the program provides opportunities to write plays, direct, act, and work in technical capacities. The film side will give you opportunities to practice screenwriting, directing, cinematography, editing, sound recording, and other technical responsibilities. The hallmark of this program is essentially unlimited opportunity to produce original, creative work in theater and film. Upon completion of the degree, students will be prepared for stepping directly into the film and entertainment industry.

Program Requirements

Course Number Course Credits
FILM 1000Introduction to Film3
FILM 1100Film Production I3
FILM 1400Screenwriting I3
FILM 2000Film Production II3
FILM 2380Cinema History3
THEA 1100Acting I3
THEA 2030Beginning Playwriting3
THEA 2220Stagecraft3
THEA 2470Directing Practicum1

Total Credit Hours: 60